Dear Members
As the festive season approaches and we reach the end of yet another year, I would like to briefly reflect on how it has been for the fortunes of Horam Tennis Club.
I am pleased to be able to report that, in many respects, it has probably been the most positive year for some little while. This is mainly due to a combination of the efforts of our diligent and hardworking committee, the appointment of Keith Downing as our coach, and the splendid efforts of numerous non-committee club members (and in some cases, their respective spouses) who have contributed to various tasks throughout the year.
The result of all these great efforts can be seen in the form of a significant increase in club membership numbers, an increase in the number of club sessions available, the introduction of regular Pickle ball sessions, an increase in the numbers being coached, and the intention of running a team in our local league next season.
Our club can only be as successful as its members will allow, so I would thank all members for making it so successful this year, and as we move into the New Year it is approached with an optimism that reflects upon the success of this current year.
Season’s Greetings to all.
With very best wishes
Graham Wilkins – Chair
Wednesday 16th October at 19.30
At the Tennis Club
We had a very successful AGM and the future of the Club is in safe hands.
Membership has increased by nearly 100% thanks to the enthusiasm of our new Secretaries Sue Palmer & Stella Morris.
The new coach Keith Downing has also attracted many new members.
We now have a new Treasurer Liz Hodgman.
Many thanks to Liz for volunteering.
Also we thank Emma Coleman our outgoing Treasurer for her contribution to the Tennis Club.
Keith has started Pickleball sessions on our temporary courts.
They are run every Wednesday from 18.00 under floodlights.
Bats and balls are provided for free.
Members are free. £4 for Non-members
Just turn up or contact Keith and get on the Whatsapp group,
Junior Coaching
New Term starting 5th November
(Application Form is on the Coaching page)
Classes available from age 4 to 16
All abilities welcome
Contact : Keith Downing for further details
Cardio Tennis
Now available Thursday evenings 19.00 - 20.00
Also Monday mornings 9.30 - 10.30